From humble beginnings, Phone Credit for Refugees and Displaced People was set up in February 2016 by founder James Pearce.
Making a difference
James came up with the idea while volunteering at the refugee camp in Calais known as The Jungle. After talking regularly to people within the camp he realised that phone credit was a lifeline for many – and something he could help with from his home in Norfolk!
In the beginning, the process was very simple. James created a Facebook group, and added all his friends and some of the refugees he had met while volunteering. His goal was to have his close contacts provide phone credit to the handful of refugees he had come to know so well.
A Season of Growth
As time passed, news of the group spread through the camp. More and more refugees began to request top ups. Simultaneously, new donors joined and the group flourished.
Today, the group has almost 65,000 members, has completed almost 100,000 tops ups, and has raised over a million pounds. Our support has expanded to cover refugees across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
To read more about this, please click here.
“Thank you so much, I really appreciate you from the deep of my heart. Today I will call my family and see whether or not they are okay for the first time in months. Thank you for helping me, I will never forget. God bless you.”
OUR vision
We want a world where it is possible for refugees to feel safe and to be connected to the people that matter to them – their families, their supporters and the agencies that help them.
our mission
We support asylum seekers and refugees to stay safe, in touch with loved ones and on contact with agencies that support them.
Our values
Connectivity - We seek to break down barriers through social connection in our shared global community.
Determination - We are determined to include every voice.
Support - We support people to stay safe and connected.
Trust - We maintain trust by being dependable and consistent in our approach.
Ambition - We fight for tolerance, understanding and change.